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Healing Properties & Everyday Uses ♡

Selenite is known as the "sage or palo santo of crystals."  It cleanses and charges other crystals as well as the space around it. Selenite is a calming stone that breathes deep peace and purity and is an excellent tool for meditation, energy clearing, and spiritual work.


The flame shape of these spiral towers continuously moves energy in the space like a blaze of white fire and exudes high vibes of clarity and spiritual anchoring. They are ideal for the middle of your house, workplace, or as a cleansing field of Divine Light on one's altar.


Selenite has many other uses, ranging from creating telepathy between two people holding different pieces, creating a purifying, Divinely protected environment, to accessing the Akashic Records in order to assess one's progress in life. It will bring alignment with Spirit and connection to the Universe on your path of spiritual ascension. One will feel tranquilized, uplifted, and serene in its presence. A group of six or more wands arranged around the body will send the soul into a mesmerizing energy vortex for potent purification and shamanic journeying. 


Placing a selenite tower near a doorway will cleanse anyone who enters the space. Selenite is quick and effective at cleansing one's auric field and removing energetic blockages from each of the chakras. These flames are perfect for creating a crystal grid for protection around any building or room, providing a safe and quiet protective field that blocks outside influences.

Selenite Spiral Tower

  • Approximately 6 Inches tall and 2 inches diameter

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